niedziela, 11 listopada 2018

Zabawa z bałwanem

Uwielbiam lepić bałwana. A wy? Szkoda tylko że ostatnio bardzo trudno o tyle śniegu żeby tego bałwana zrobić. Może w tym roku się uda...
Tymczasem karteczka świąteczna z zimową scenką 3D ozdobiona brokatem.


8 komentarzy:

anncreatief pisze...

Beautiful card. Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage challenge good luck. Have a nice day
Anneke DT

The Enticing Creation pisze...

Very nice card you made the way of snowman and the winter 3D card you made...good luck,have a nice day


DT Rituparna

Deanne Saunders pisze...

Gorgeous card!!! Thanks so much for participating in our WINTER WONDERLAND challenge. Hope you participate in our next challenge!! Have a happy crafty day!!!
Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

Lia pisze...

THis is a gorgeous card with a lovely image!
Lia DT S4F

Sheryl pisze...

This is such beautiful card. I love the pretty frame and that adorable image.
Glad you stopped by at 613 Avenue Create.
Hugs Sheryl, DT member xx

K M Meena Herale pisze...

Lovely work, Thank you for Joining us at Scrapping4funChallenge and waiting to see next time.

Meena S4F DT

Scrapping4funChallenges pisze...

Beautiful card, lovely image
thank you for your entry at Scrapping4funChallenges
Rachelle DT

Sheryl pisze...

Congratulations. You are a Top Rocker at 613 Avenue Create.
Hugs Sheryl xx